UT's Pride of the Southland Band reveals what it calls 'bitter battle' with athletic director Dave Hart, administration

'Game day experience' at core of debate

University of Tennessee's Pride of the Southland Band takes the field before the first half against Austin Peay at Neyland Stadium, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013, in Knoxville. (ADAM LAU/NEWS SENTINEL)

Photo by Adam Lau

University of Tennessee's Pride of the Southland Band takes the field before the first half against Austin Peay at Neyland Stadium, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013, in Knoxville. (ADAM LAU/NEWS SENTINEL)

The director of the Pride of the Southland Band accused the University of Tennessee athletics department of being disrespectful by playing pre-recorded music during games.

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Comments » 82

Farragut_Resident writes:

You would think that after 219 years of existence, having been founded in 1794, that this institution would, by now, have it's act together. But no. Not UT. Just as unprofessional as ever.

An institution that never misses an opportunity to disappoint whether it be tawdry extra marital affairs of two back to back presidents, an athletic department in constant turmoil, key staffers and administrators of questionable moral character, a profound inability and ineptitude at dealing with the intellectual light weights in Nashville, a widely perceived heavy handedness in dealing with finance and budgetary issues and their impact on UT's people and programs, and constantly jacking up the price of the cost of a diploma that's already of dubious distinction. And now the band is even complaining publicly and vocally and airing yet more dirty laundry.

brokebackvol writes:

Update the band's music.

SouthernWoman writes:

Love the live band but even the recorded band music is much better than the music they are blasting during the TV time outs. Agree that this should have been addressed internally and not creating a distraction during football season.

vernon writes:

I like the shift to recorded music-band has a time and place but the balance is a good thing.My kids enjoy the recorded music alot more-

brewlocal writes:

This has been a long time coming. I remember going to see the Vols play LSU in the Atlanta several years ago. We took a beating on the field but that was just part of the bad news. We sat near the LSU band. They were on fire. They played a continuous stream of rocking music. The kids doing it were having a ball. Our band looked like they were doing a funeral procession in contrast. I wrote a Letter to the Editor of the Sentinel about it at the time. The response was interesting. Band members told me I didn't "understand the complexities" or I didn't "appreciate quality performances" and "LSU was a sellout band for doing such easy music" Bottom line though is I would sit near the LSU band again. I got my season tickets on the other end of our stadium from our band.

sseivers#1394928 writes:

The Pride of the Southland has been admired as one of the nation's best for many years and should not be disrespected.

ccjensen writes:

Anthony_R_Howard writes:

And now the band is even complaining publicly and vocally and airing yet more dirty laundry.
The Band has been living in an echo chamber, convinced that tens of thousands of people spend $75 a ticket just to see the Band perform.

The real value of the band is when people hear the music, they know its time to grab a dog and take a #1.

martvol writes:

The game is 3 1/2 hours long; including warm-ups and postgame you're talking 5 hours. The
UTAD made the decision to use some canned music - it's not like the Pride's playlist is diverse enough to fill 5 hours anyway.

Ulysses writes:

in response to SouthernWoman:

Love the live band but even the recorded band music is much better than the music they are blasting during the TV time outs. Agree that this should have been addressed internally and not creating a distraction during football season.

Would not get any coverage at any other time

vq4nfo writes:

Director Gary Sousa should view some videos of the Hokies Marching Virginian's band and the music they play. In 2016 at Bristol Motor Speedway, in front of 150,000, the Marching Virginian's will blow the doors off the UT band.

Since I go to both UT and VT games, and have so for many years, IMO the music Hart (or who ever responsible) played "was" better and more enjoyable to listen to.

UTForever writes:

Ho-Hum! Here we go again at the Big Orange Zoo where chaos rules and reason is conspicuously missing. Thank goodness for Butch Jones. He's the only shining star on the Hill since Joe Johnson retired. I love UT, but it is so sad to see how administrative ineptness continues to chip away at the university's once sterling image. Somebody, anybody please step up, take charge, and end the public embarrassments.

Just_Think_About_It writes:

Dave Hart has caused controversy since he was hired at UT. There's a shortfall because terrible athletic contracts were written, giving coaches hundreds & thousands of dollars for their brilliant skills (losing games). The band students work hours to prepare their performances. People come to the game not only to watch football ... I have heard parents proudly point out their son or daughter in the half-time shows. If Hart wants to save money, perhaps he needs to quit hauling around a select few who are treated to free airline flights, meals & lodging for away games. There's a married couple who both teach at UT who travel in style with UT administration to the games. How about cutting out those fancy dinners at Knoxvilles top restaurants where UT foots the bill? Cut money other places, but leave the band alone. It's part of the experience of going to a UT football game. Shame on you Dave Hart.

TommyJack writes:

in response to UTForever:

Ho-Hum! Here we go again at the Big Orange Zoo where chaos rules and reason is conspicuously missing. Thank goodness for Butch Jones. He's the only shining star on the Hill since Joe Johnson retired. I love UT, but it is so sad to see how administrative ineptness continues to chip away at the university's once sterling image. Somebody, anybody please step up, take charge, and end the public embarrassments.

Chaos rules? Seems to me to be a tempest in a teapot. It will blow over. Pun intended.

HoraceMorris writes:

Seems like Dave Hart stirs up trouble all over the place over there.

I haven't been to a football game in at least 4 years. But I do go to a number of basketball games a year. I know what's played at basketball games is the same songs over and over from year to year. And they play plenty of recorded music there as well. It seems to be a good mix given the band plays from the same group of songs. From what I hear on TV, sounds like they're playing the same songs from year to year. There's only so many times a person wants to hear Iron Man played by the band.

While I like the pagentry and tradition of the band, I go to see the games, not the band.

westknoxrepubreturns writes:

The 2 page statement calls Livin' on a Prayer a classic. . .that should tell you all you need to know about the band's delusions. . .well that and the various terrible halftime shows available on You Tube for the past two years. The Wizard of Oz show that has become a running internet meme amongst UT Fans, a tribute to Disney, and this past Saturday where they paid tribute to a band I've literally never heard of.

westknoxrepubreturns writes:

in response to ccjensen:

Anthony_R_Howard writes:

And now the band is even complaining publicly and vocally and airing yet more dirty laundry.
The Band has been living in an echo chamber, convinced that tens of thousands of people spend $75 a ticket just to see the Band perform.

The real value of the band is when people hear the music, they know its time to grab a dog and take a #1.

To be fair, at least once a season since I've been going to games at least one person (usually a student, or a band parent) will utter "the only reason I go to games is to see the band". However aside from Pre-Game thier playlist is just terrible.

ColPhorbin writes:

Interesting... that was the best atmosphere I can remember at the UGA game and alot of it had to do with a lack of band time. I love the contemporary music and hope the band plays less of a role in the coming years. So get out of the way Pride of the Southland... no one gives a S*&!

88volgrad writes:

in response to ColPhorbin:

Interesting... that was the best atmosphere I can remember at the UGA game and alot of it had to do with a lack of band time. I love the contemporary music and hope the band plays less of a role in the coming years. So get out of the way Pride of the Southland... no one gives a S*&!

It's the simple minded twits like you that have helped drag down UT to its current state. I'll bet you're one of the morons that boos constantly.

atchleyaaron#1420833 writes:

I'd say cut their budget another 50 %. Why spend the money to send them to away games.

southernbelle79 writes:

One of the joys of living in a small town, and Knoxville acts even smaller than it is, is every little disagreement becomes public knowledge.

I suppose the band thinks that if they had been allowed to play Rcoky Top one more time, we would have won the game. Geez.

The atmosphere at the UGA game was better than any game in the last 4 years.

There is a time and place for complex songs for sophisticated music lovers: in the concert hall. At a sporting event, give us simple, upbeat, WE Will Rock You tunes.

I love Rocky Top, but really, there are many other modern, upbeat TN songs the band could play. The goal at a football game is to excite the crowd, not to impress us with their mastery of complex, yet boring fare.

TommyJack writes:

in response to southernbelle79:

One of the joys of living in a small town, and Knoxville acts even smaller than it is, is every little disagreement becomes public knowledge.

I suppose the band thinks that if they had been allowed to play Rcoky Top one more time, we would have won the game. Geez.

The atmosphere at the UGA game was better than any game in the last 4 years.

There is a time and place for complex songs for sophisticated music lovers: in the concert hall. At a sporting event, give us simple, upbeat, WE Will Rock You tunes.

I love Rocky Top, but really, there are many other modern, upbeat TN songs the band could play. The goal at a football game is to excite the crowd, not to impress us with their mastery of complex, yet boring fare.

Grad and big fan for 50 years. If I never hear Rocky Top again, I'm ok with it.

ArmyDad writes:

I'm all for a change, and the primary change needs to be Sousa. Since he has been here the POTS has been on a steady decline, and it's not Dave Hart's fault. It began long before Hart took over.

burpee_von_rotweiler_IV writes:

What would former alternate band leader Peyton Manning say about this issue?

burpee_von_rotweiler_IV writes:

in response to burpee_von_rotweiler_IV:

What would former alternate band leader Peyton Manning say about this issue?

... because me thinks Mr. Sousa will be out of a job soon.

volnsc writes:

Well, well. Been around Vol football for a long time and the band was always a part of it, a big part. I remember when the band first formed the T for the team to run through. The first notes of Rocky Top. The drum major strutting his stuff. All amazing stuff and helped put the Vols game day on the map and make it what it is today. All that being said, if changes have to come they should include serious top level discussions with all concerned and the reasons for change clearly explained. It does seem that brother Dave has a hard time coming off the throne to communicate with the peasants he rules. Could be the chancellor has some of the same issues. These are the type problems that should never see the light of day in the press. But to quote an old movie line, "What we have here is a failure to communicate." Sort of like the folks in Washington today.

kaderoche#1428918 writes:

I understand that the band feels their toes have been stepped on when the PA plays rap and pop in lieu of the traditional fare. However the band is overlooking two things:

1. The POTS gets worse ever year. This has happened under Sousa and Ryder and it's interesting that all of a sudden they're making a fuss about marching band quality. Aside from pregame and Circle Drill, the halftime shows are a joke. The band has gotten smaller, quieter, and is consistently out-performed when the opposing team brings a full band. Does anyone remember Ohio University's band? Made us look like trash. So if I were the Pride the first thing I would do is improve as an organization. Others have mentioned it, but stuff like that Wizard of Oz show is a joke.

2. UTAD is in the business of winning football games, plain and simple. That pays the bills, including those of the band. Who wins football games? Recruits. Do recruits care about the marching band? No. They want to hear modern music with thumping bass. Everything Hart is doing is with the idea of winning football games in mind. Which is what everyone associated with the university wants.

Bottom line...the band should improve and get with the times. It is embarrassing to air their complaints publicly anyway.

Also, fire Jimmy Cheek.

underthehill writes:

in response to Farragut_Resident:

You would think that after 219 years of existence, having been founded in 1794, that this institution would, by now, have it's act together. But no. Not UT. Just as unprofessional as ever.

An institution that never misses an opportunity to disappoint whether it be tawdry extra marital affairs of two back to back presidents, an athletic department in constant turmoil, key staffers and administrators of questionable moral character, a profound inability and ineptitude at dealing with the intellectual light weights in Nashville, a widely perceived heavy handedness in dealing with finance and budgetary issues and their impact on UT's people and programs, and constantly jacking up the price of the cost of a diploma that's already of dubious distinction. And now the band is even complaining publicly and vocally and airing yet more dirty laundry.

Very well stated..and most likely to be ignored by those responsible..if alumni who object care enough to act..they may make a difference..otherwise..get used to it..

volnsc51 writes:

We went to last weeks game with friends that are Georgia fans. As we were driving there I said, " Our band has pre game and halftime shows that are second to none, but your band will kill us during the game." Don't know if the solution is recorded music during the game, but we need to hear more than Rocky Top.

ThirdCreek writes:

If the football team became a winner again like in most of the Fulmer era then this issue would not come up. People are feisty with the lack of success of the team and getting frustrated.

westknoxrepubreturns writes:

in response to volnsc51:

We went to last weeks game with friends that are Georgia fans. As we were driving there I said, " Our band has pre game and halftime shows that are second to none, but your band will kill us during the game." Don't know if the solution is recorded music during the game, but we need to hear more than Rocky Top.

Clearly you haven't seen many of the recent halftime shows. Outside of the Circle Drill, they've been awful.

volnsc51 writes:

in response to westknoxrepubreturns:

Clearly you haven't seen many of the recent halftime shows. Outside of the Circle Drill, they've been awful.

You're right. It was the first game we have attended since we gave up our season tickets a few years ago.

Im4News writes:

What causes people to sit in a seat in Neyland rather than stay home and watch on TV? The experience must be worth the hassle.

Traditions mean a lot to UT fans. Pride of the Southland is a huge part of that tradition and the gameday experience. Most of the band members are also great students from across the state. They are our neighbors' kids. We need to support the tradition and we need to support the students.

This isn't the NFL folks, nor does it need to be.

Knoxvillefan writes:

UT should fire Sousa today for creating this controversy during the season. The top priority is winning football games and everyone needs to be pulling in that direction. If Hart says piped music attracts more recruits that helps UT win games, nothing else really matters. If you don't agree, you don't have the stomach for big-time college football. Would Alabama give a damn about the band if Saban said they need a reduced role? Of course not. UT cannot afford to compromise the football product for the band, no matter how awesome they think they are. Some people may stop coming to games over the band, but they will be more than offset by the people who will come to games to see a winning football team.

mark1214#1424504 writes:

I think the canned music is too loud and too frequent. I enjoy the marching band and miss their playing when they get displaced by the recordings.

Rookie2 writes:

The Pride's half time shows are stale and too traditional. I routinely find the visiting teams halftime shows are better and more entertaining. I think piping in "canned" production quality entertainment is more in line with the times and the FACT is it gets the crowd more hyped. It gets OLD hearing Rocky Top over and over and it loses it's affect after a while. Playing Rocky Top two seconds after Georgia kicked the winning field goal as their players are celebrating in a dog pile on the field, makes no sense. We just lost the game!

OrangePride writes:

To be honest, I'm a little surprised at some of the negative comments on the band that I'm seeing. But this band is A BIG part of the gameday pageantry and experience. I doubt that most people would want to see a significantly diminished role.........or at least I wouldn't. As far as this dust up goes, I think a lot of this has to do with what seems an increasing number of complaints regarding Hart's heavy handed approach to things. Oh, and just BTW....anybody been to an Alabama game lately (or watched on tv)? How often does their band play? Exactly. In-freaking-cessantly! So DH, don't come here and change our traditions. As for the Georgia thing. I've only seen them on our field twice. They did the same thing with the helmets last time. So, ahem...let's be ready for this next time and LET THE BAND PLAY! Nuff said! GO VOLS, GO PRIDE!

mcreyscope writes:

With so many band haters posting, I think I should write to remind them that the band is an important tradition. Peyton Manning leading the band is an image that will stick in my mind forever. The band has been consistently good for a very long time. Whatever music they play, some people won't like. But when they start with Rocky Top, it brings the house down. Recorded music may have its place. But there are certain times that the band should be playing. And, we should respect traditions. I suppose some fans (maybe they are the ones that don't show up anyway or give away their tickets right now) would give up all the traditions that make UT football what it is and has been. It is important that the band be supported. I support the band and most of my friends think the band is a very important part of the game. For you folks who hate the band, you probably hate other traditions as well. I am one of the people who kept the stands full for years and years. Now, some people seem to only want to go when it is convenient for them or if there is nothing better to do. This is the attitude that is attacking the band. IF YOU SUPPORT THE BAND, SIGN THE PETITION AT CHANGE.ORG. JUST SEARCH FOR "TENNESSEE BAND", IT WILL POP UP. If you don't like the band, just sit on your hands like many of you have done over the past several years. Thanks.

mcreyscope writes:

in response to Rookie2:

The Pride's half time shows are stale and too traditional. I routinely find the visiting teams halftime shows are better and more entertaining. I think piping in "canned" production quality entertainment is more in line with the times and the FACT is it gets the crowd more hyped. It gets OLD hearing Rocky Top over and over and it loses it's affect after a while. Playing Rocky Top two seconds after Georgia kicked the winning field goal as their players are celebrating in a dog pile on the field, makes no sense. We just lost the game!

From reading your post, I understand you moniker "Rookie2". If you were a seasoned pro, you would understand the importance of tradition. Losing tradition is what kills sports programs, not what sustains them.

mcreyscope writes:

in response to Rookie2:

The Pride's half time shows are stale and too traditional. I routinely find the visiting teams halftime shows are better and more entertaining. I think piping in "canned" production quality entertainment is more in line with the times and the FACT is it gets the crowd more hyped. It gets OLD hearing Rocky Top over and over and it loses it's affect after a while. Playing Rocky Top two seconds after Georgia kicked the winning field goal as their players are celebrating in a dog pile on the field, makes no sense. We just lost the game!

From reading your post, I understand your moniker "Rookie2". If you were a seasoned pro, you would understand the importance of tradition. Losing tradition is what kills sports programs, not what sustains them.

Knoxvillefan writes:

in response to mcreyscope:

From reading your post, I understand you moniker "Rookie2". If you were a seasoned pro, you would understand the importance of tradition. Losing tradition is what kills sports programs, not what sustains them.

Examples, please? Here's a counterexample: Oregon doesn't care a bit about tradition. Its identity is to be modern and cutting-edge. Kids love to watch Oregon and recruits want to play for Oregon. Oregon wins. Some people here value tradition over winning--they would rather lose in orange than win in gray. Those people need to shut up and go away because they are killing the football program with their outdated notions.

Rookie2 writes:

in response to mcreyscope:

From reading your post, I understand your moniker "Rookie2". If you were a seasoned pro, you would understand the importance of tradition. Losing tradition is what kills sports programs, not what sustains them.

How are we losing tradition? It doesn't have to be an all or nothing proposition. Instead of hearing Rocky Top ad nauseum, they're mixing in other forms of entertainment. Nobody is talking about getting rid of the band, they just don't get to control/monopolize the entire entertainment programming like they're use to. There is a compromise and mix between the two that can be an improvement on what has been "tradition".

gemini writes:

I dunno. My spouse went to Oregon State and most of the rest of his family went to Oregon, and they'd all say they have plenty of tradition.

westknoxrepubreturns writes:

in response to OrangePride:

To be honest, I'm a little surprised at some of the negative comments on the band that I'm seeing. But this band is A BIG part of the gameday pageantry and experience. I doubt that most people would want to see a significantly diminished role.........or at least I wouldn't. As far as this dust up goes, I think a lot of this has to do with what seems an increasing number of complaints regarding Hart's heavy handed approach to things. Oh, and just BTW....anybody been to an Alabama game lately (or watched on tv)? How often does their band play? Exactly. In-freaking-cessantly! So DH, don't come here and change our traditions. As for the Georgia thing. I've only seen them on our field twice. They did the same thing with the helmets last time. So, ahem...let's be ready for this next time and LET THE BAND PLAY! Nuff said! GO VOLS, GO PRIDE!

Nobody's against the concept of the band, the negative complaints (and there are ALOT, not just here, but sports radio and social media too) are all saying the same thing. Our playlist is stale (they called Livin' on a Prayer a classic), and our halftime shows suck.

westknoxrepubreturns writes:

in response to mcreyscope:

With so many band haters posting, I think I should write to remind them that the band is an important tradition. Peyton Manning leading the band is an image that will stick in my mind forever. The band has been consistently good for a very long time. Whatever music they play, some people won't like. But when they start with Rocky Top, it brings the house down. Recorded music may have its place. But there are certain times that the band should be playing. And, we should respect traditions. I suppose some fans (maybe they are the ones that don't show up anyway or give away their tickets right now) would give up all the traditions that make UT football what it is and has been. It is important that the band be supported. I support the band and most of my friends think the band is a very important part of the game. For you folks who hate the band, you probably hate other traditions as well. I am one of the people who kept the stands full for years and years. Now, some people seem to only want to go when it is convenient for them or if there is nothing better to do. This is the attitude that is attacking the band. IF YOU SUPPORT THE BAND, SIGN THE PETITION AT CHANGE.ORG. JUST SEARCH FOR "TENNESSEE BAND", IT WILL POP UP. If you don't like the band, just sit on your hands like many of you have done over the past several years. Thanks.

NOBODY hates the band, they hate the music, the halftime shows, and the sense of self importance. Nobody pays a ticket to see the band, if they would update thier play list, and have halftime shows that weren't embarassing (Wizard of Oz, Disney) there wouldn't be an issue.

pinhook writes:

Last time I checked, the University is an educational institution. It is not duty bound to play the last popular music available on the down load. It does have a duty to educate. Both the band and the football team are a part of the educational process. If some Tennesseans would rather hear the latest in popular music they need to keep their "I stuff" going. The band should be playing music that has at least some element of educational value. Believe it or not, life is not just about being entertained.

More UT graduates from the Pride than from the football team!

bkgratz#504745 writes:

I was at the game Saturday. The canned music was played too often and too loud. Several times the GA band started to play but were drowned out with the canned music. We have a great band. We may not always win the ballgame, but the band always "wins" the halftime show. More band, less canned music.

Rookie2 writes:

Here's Gary Sousa's Halftime dream show play list:

1. Enter Field (Drum tap cadence)
2. "Rock around the clock"
3. "Sing, Sing, Sing"
4. "1 O'clock Jump"
5. Play background music and have Lee Greenwood sing "God Bless the USA" (remind Lee to play up the "Hills of Tennessee" part)
6. Alma Mata
7. Exit Field "Down the field"


MaxVolFan writes:

Not going to get into great detail with this because I believe their are enough comments supporting the fact the times has changed. I remember playing in a HS band in 93 and our band director was a hardcore Retired Marine officer who only wanted traditional marching and very old fightsongs. My friends on the football team begged me(i played bassdrum) to liven up the game with 'beats' in the stands to hype them up. So MCHammer was popular then and we got together with the tuba players and gave them what they wanted , to the disapproval of our director but he saw how it effected the fans and let it go. Point is the Pride will still do pregame, circle drill and Rocky Top but its about the team and if the team wants hype music give it to them.

rainbow6 writes:

In his short time here Hart has managed to anger many and has pushed some long time employees and coaches into leaving. There are at least three law suits that are directed at Hart and the athletic department.
What is going on?

oldschoolvol writes:

The next move needs to be the cheerleaders. They contribute nothing to the game day experience. The fans generate most of the cheers themselves while the cheerleaders take pictures of themselves. A change in this Game Day dept has been long overdue.

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